Inspired by health and wellness in our community, Fallbrook Medical Center is committed to provide patients with the finest and highest quality of medical attention in a professional and compassionate manner. Fallbrook Medical Center’s mission is to practice medicine by promoting health awareness, preventing and treating illness as well as supplying the most accessible and suitable programs for non-insured patients to equally obtain health care attention. Our vision is to create the finest family practice and urgent care facility for all patients in need of medical attention regardless of their health care coverage.
Understanding a company’s principles and values are crucial to preserve an ethical and socially responsible business environment. Fallbrook Medical Center thrives to continuously portray its values and ethical beliefs to its patients and employees. Our company is founded on integrity, honesty and accountability as well as ethically oriented performance. Our plans and actions are driven and structured by our principles and these are mutually supported by the company and its employees. Fallbrook Medical Center expects outstanding and proper ethical behavior from all members of the organization and our company strives to uphold its values and ethical beliefs in everyday tasks as well as implement them in future plans.
Unquestionably traits of ethical values, social responsibility and cultural acceptance have a significant influence in any company’s strategic direction. Fallbrook Medical Center has envisioned a successful strategic direction by considering all these above mentioned attributes and implementing them into our strategic planning and actions. While most medical practices or health centers practice medicine within the normal social scope of expectations, Fallbrook Medical Center challenges itself and its members by providing its patients the highest quality of medical care. The company accomplishes this by employing ethical principles, medical knowledge, updated technology, and most importantly compassionate medical attention.