Become a patient
If you want to enjoy this great experience, be our patient and do not know where to start, do not hesitate and contact our representatives, who will guide you step by step and go hand in hand with you through this process.
Contact our Patient Relations Specialists to become a patient:
Angelo Felix: 760-723-5900 Ext: 566
Taking care of yourself at FMC it’s rewarding. We’ll contact you to say Happy birthday on your special day, say welcome to your first-time appointment. Give you a free gift in your annual wellness visit exam and more!
When you become a patient af Fallbrook Medical Center, you will enjoy great benefits including our well-known appointment reminders, reminders for your others preventive exams, phone reading of lab results,referral done notification, etc.
Our goal is to provide the best quality of attention and benefits. Some of our resources include: Message to your doctor, direct line for senior inquiries, spanish speaking staff and more.
We always make sure to have you enjoying our services. Becoming a senior patient at FMC will allow you to have events where you can meet your doctors, share moments with our staff, meet the clinic founders and much more activities.