


Insulin Resistance. The human body is a complex system that functions through a series of interconnected neural, hormonal, and vascular pathways. Hormones play an incredibly important role in every one of these functions, and they’re called chemical messengers because they signal your body what to do. 

Insulin is one of these important hormones, and when its production and release don’t go according to plan, it can result in a series of severe consequences that can be detrimental to your overall health and longevity. What is insulin resistance and how to prevent it? Here’s what you should know. 

What is Insulin?

Insulin is a hormone released by the pancreas when glucose is present in your bloodstream. Its role is to transport glucose to the cells in your body that need it to convert it into energy. If there is more glucose than your cells need, insulin helps transport it into storage for future needs. 

When your body doesn’t produce enough insulin, glucose can’t get transported to your cells and instead, builds up in the bloodstream, causing hyperglycemia. This condition can cause chronic inflammation, toxin buildup, and even diabetic coma. 


Is there any safe weight loss medication? Ever since celebrities started swearing about its effects, Ozempic has been popularized as a magic weight loss pill, helping you lose unwanted fat in a matter of days. However, the Novo Nordisk medication isn’t a novelty, and its role in managing type 2 diabetes has been known and approved since 2017. What is the science saying about it and can it really help lose unwanted weight in a safe and efficient way? Here’s what we know. 


26 September 2023 adminAllHealthy LivingNews0

How to Strengthen Your Lungs and Breathe Better. Breathing is one of those actions our bodies do without even thinking about it. We need to breathe in order to live, and it’s only when we’re struggling with it due to an illness or another medical condition, that we actually stop and think about our lungs and what they do. So, how do we pay better attention to our lungs in general, and how do we strengthen them to breathe better? Here is how to keep your lungs healthy. 

The Role of Lungs

Lungs are a large organ that’s a part of the respiratory system, helping us breathe, and therefore, keeping us alive. As we breathe in, fresh oxygen from the air comes into our lungs, and gets carried into our bloodstream. The blood takes it all the way to each and every cell in our bodies, where it gets exchanged for carbon dioxide. This gas gets back to the lungs once again, through the bloodstream, where it ends with an exhale. 

The lungs are divided into left and right, and they are each divided into parts called lobes. The right lung is divided into three lobes and the left one has two lobes. They are connected with other parts of the body through bronchial tubes and bronchioles which end in alveoli, the actual sacks that perform the oxygen-carbon dioxide exchange. 

The health of our lungs declines with age, just like every other organ and tissue in our bodies. However, given the importance of its role, paying more attention to it on a daily basis is crucial for our well-being and long-term longevity. 

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