


Naturally Support Your Thyroid. The thyroid gland is one of the most important organs in your body, regulating everything from your metabolism and body temperature to how your body deals with stress and absorbs nutrients. It’s also one of the most common organs to be negatively affected by chronic stress and inflammation, causing it to malfunction. 

When the thyroid isn’t able to perform its functions and release important thyroid hormones to regulate your metabolism, you’re usually dealing with one of two conditions: an overactive or an underactive thyroid. Neither one is favorable and can lead to myriad different complications, from goiter and heart problems to pregnancy issues and even thyroid cancer


Natural Therapies for Arthritis Pain. Arthritis is one of the most common inflammatory conditions today and although it was once considered to be a disease that affects the older generation, it’s becoming more and more prevalent in children and young adults. 

The uncomfortable and very painful side effects include swelling and stiffening of the joints which can range from mild to very severe, even leading to high levels of disability that make it hard to perform your daily activities and impair the overall quality of your life.  

The main cause of arthritis is chronic inflammation which can sometimes be hard to pinpoint and find its root cause. That’s why even experts can’t completely agree on the exact causes of arthritis. Still, there are some factors that are known to be high contributors to chronic inflammation and although there are some that are impossible to control, others can be regulated by making strong lifestyle changes. 


Main Cause of Arthritis. With the growing number of health conditions worldwide, inflammation seems to be one of the greatest culprits for most, especially when it comes to autoimmune diseases. Arthritis is our nation’s number one cause of disability, and it’s only getting worse. 

Affecting nearly 60 million adults and 300 000 children, arthritis is a very common condition that’s, unfortunately, becoming one of the most usual health topics. In addition to diabetes and other chronic inflammatory diseases, arthritis and its various types have found their way into every age, gender, and race. And even though the main cause of arthritis is inflammation, it’s important to dive deeper into the topic and understand where the inflammation comes from, why it occurs, and what we can do about it. 


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