


Triglycerides. Cholesterol and triglycerides are often times mentioned together when talking about the health of your cardiovascular system, blood vessels, weight, and overall body composition. These markers show up on your blood panel and are great indicators of your health condition, showing you whether or not it’s time to make some changes in your lifestyle habits and improve your health. 

With modern technology, it’s easy to measure certain aspects of our health, wellbeing, and even longevity, but not all results can be read the same. Especially since a plethora of different factors can contribute to the numbers you see on your data. High blood triglycerides are often linked to high cholesterol levels, showing up as a risk of heart disease, but the other way around doesn’t have to be the case. Your cholesterol can be high without the increase in your triglyceride levels, so it’s important to delve deeper into the subject. 


Normal Cholesterol Level. Predominantly sedentary lifestyle trends, insufficient sleep, and poor diet are the new normal and they’re all contributing to higher cholesterol levels. This leads to inflammation and the development of cardiovascular diseases, seriously affecting your overall health and wellbeing. 

The fast-paced lives and the stressful environment we’re all participating in embrace convenience, and that’s where all the processed foods and quick solutions come in, causing more harm than good and impairing our bodies’ functions. 


6 December 2021 adminChronic Illnesses0

Lower your cholesterol. Cholesterol is a waxy substance that is found in all the cells of our body and it looks like fat. Cholesterol is necessary since it helps our body to produce hormones that, consecutively, promotes a better digestion of food and also vitamin D. 

On the other hand, it should be noted that the body itself produces the necessary cholesterol and there are many foods that contain this substance.

If you have high blood cholesterol, it can stick to other substances in your blood to form plaque. This is dangerous because it sticks to the walls of your blood vessels, producing a disease called arteriosclerosis, narrowing of the coronary arteries and many more.

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