


Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, also known as have ADHD has become quite a popular term in recent years, whether through self-diagnosis or based on actual medical results. Many psychologists state how they’re beginning to see more and more patients with self-proclaimed attention deficit, explaining how their symptoms fall somewhere on the spectrum. However, while some medical institutions describe this condition as a disorder, other experts don’t believe it should be defined as such, leaving plenty of room for discussion and potential ways to deal with the symptoms. 

What is ADHD? 

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), ADHD is a disorder that may cause trouble with focusing, controlling impulses, or their own activity levels (hyperactivity). It’s typically diagnosed in children, and according to some findings, could be caused by genetic factors

The diagnosis itself is a complex process governed by the guidelines found in the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, Fifth Edition (DSM-5). These guidelines outline five major traits that, combined, could result in a positive diagnosis. They include:

  • A variety of symptoms of inattention
  • A variety of symptoms of hyperactivity and impulsivity
  • The occurrence of symptoms by age (should have presented themselves before they were 12)
  • A variety of symptoms are present in at least two different settings
  • The symptoms interfere with or reduce the quality of their social, school, or work functioning
  • The symptoms cannot be explained by any other mental disorder

The current treatment involves different kinds of behavior therapy that oftentimes involves parents, as well as certain medications that have shown great results in helping manage ADHD symptoms.


27 February 2024 AdminNews

For a stronger heart. The body is a well-oiled machine that works 24/7 to keep you alive and functioning. Still, every cell in your body depends on your heart and how healthy it is. The goal of longevity is to keep your heart healthy for as long as you possibly can. This can be done by avoiding those habits that add strain to this important muscle, as well as by implementing smart lifestyle changes that will promote and improve your cardiovascular health. Here are the most essential tips for a stronger heart.

The Heart Muscle

Your heart is the main organ of your cardiovascular system, and its main goal is to supply each and every cell in your body with oxygen and nutrients, while taking away waste. It’s divided into four sections, also known as chambers, that work in unison to pump blood throughout the body. This is done through constant rythmic pumps directed by your brain and nervous system. These pumps involuntary, meaning you’re not able to control their speed or pattern, but there are plenty of different factors that play a role in their function.

The heart is comprised of four heart chambers that work in a circulatory pattern, pumping the blood efficiently through the body:

  • Left ventricle – the left ventricle sends oxygen-rich blood into your body which circulates and brings the carbon dioxide and waste into the right atrium.
  • Right atrium – your right atrium accepts the blood coming from the upper and lower part of the body and pumps it into the right ventricle.
  • Right ventricle  – the right ventricle pumps the oxygen-poor blood into your lungs where it gets refreshed with new oxygen and pushed into the left atrium.
  • Left atrium – the left atrium then pumps the oxygen-rich blood into the left ventricle where it gets sent through the rest of your body.

This cycle is never broken or paused, allowing for everything to run smoothly and keeping you alive. In addition to the four chambers, there are other parts of your heart that ensure optimal function:

  • Heart walls – these muscles contract and enable the heart to pump blood in an efficient way.
  • Blood vessels – your intricate network of blood vessels acts as tunnels through which the blood is carried throughout the body.
  • Valves – the valves act as doors between your chambers, allowing the blood to flow freely, but not before each chamber has completed its function.


Insulin Resistance. The human body is a complex system that functions through a series of interconnected neural, hormonal, and vascular pathways. Hormones play an incredibly important role in every one of these functions, and they’re called chemical messengers because they signal your body what to do. 

Insulin is one of these important hormones, and when its production and release don’t go according to plan, it can result in a series of severe consequences that can be detrimental to your overall health and longevity. What is insulin resistance and how to prevent it? Here’s what you should know. 

What is Insulin?

Insulin is a hormone released by the pancreas when glucose is present in your bloodstream. Its role is to transport glucose to the cells in your body that need it to convert it into energy. If there is more glucose than your cells need, insulin helps transport it into storage for future needs. 

When your body doesn’t produce enough insulin, glucose can’t get transported to your cells and instead, builds up in the bloodstream, causing hyperglycemia. This condition can cause chronic inflammation, toxin buildup, and even diabetic coma. 


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